Variable products

Go to products and duplicate first an already existing variable product.

1. Choose your product title (f.e: boxer trousers)
2. If you want to change your URL name (or permalink) click the edit button
3. Assign one or multiple product categories for this product
4. Assign also tags for this product

5. Click the attributes tab. For example for this trousers we want to add 2 different attribute options, in this case: color and size. Either, they're already there because you've duplicated a product or add them manually by clicking the selection box "add existing" and select the different variation options for this product.


Attributes consist of a name, and terms. The terms are the different options that are available for that specific attribute.

For example if the attribute is “Size”, the terms might be “XXL”, “XL”, “L”, “M”, “S”, “XS” etc.


If you don't know how to add new attribute groups or edit existing attributes or add new terms, read this article.

6. Now, within these attributes we can define which terms according to this product must be shown. Click open the tab colors. For example, my trousers exist in only 2 colors, so I select only the "Martini Stripe" and "Spritz Stripe". Same for the attribute size. If you only have this pants in "S", "M", "L", you select only these 3 terms.
7. Both options "Visible on the product page" and "Used for variations" must be enabled/selected. Then, click SAVE ATTRIBUTES button

8. Go to the tab variations
9. If you've duplicated a product delete all existing variations first by clicking the bulk actions selection button > then delete all variations
10. If it's empty, now click the button generate variations. The system will automatically create all possible variations (so for every color in every size in this case)
11. Set the default form values: choose a default form value if you want a certain variation already selected when a customer visits the product page. You can also only select size if you want. In this case we've selected "S" to be the default selected size

Since there are two colors, we're going to create 2 masters. One for each color. A master product will be shown in the shop overview, so if we set 2 masters, those 2 colors will be shown in the shop page. Ofcourse all other sizes in that particular color will contain the same attribute images, but instead of adding the images 5 times (xs,s,m,l,xl) for each variation we're only going to do this once, by assigning one variation as master.


12. You can open any variation that you'd like to make the master. In this case we've opened the "Martini Strip" in "S".

13. Set a primary variation image
14. Set your secondary image if applicable (this is the hover image on the shop page)
15. Add some gallery images (add multiple images for your product these will be shown on the product detail page)
16. Master: duplicate media of this variation to all available variations of this product with the following attribute: this option is set to none standard, you can select color here because we want to duplicate all photos for all "Martini Stripe" color.
17. Now do this again for the second master, the other color "Sprits Stripe".

Now we're going to do some bulk actions. Which means, set some settings applicable for all products, such as: price and stock for example.


18. Select set regular prices. Another input field will appear. Type the number of the price, for example 95. Now all sizes in both colors will be sold at €95.
19. Then again go to bulk actions > click toggle "manage stock". This makes it possible to set a stock for every variation all at once.
20. Now go back to bulk actions > click stock > here you can now set the number of stock. For example type 5 (every variation will now have a stock of 5).
21. Important, now click the blue SAVE CHANGES button.
22. At the top right corner click the UPDATE button.

These are the results:

As you can see the color swatches on the detail pages have the pattern of the pants. If you don't know how to add color swatches read this article. Only applicable if you have the color swatch option.