Synchronizing calendars with external platforms

Calendar synchronization prevents multiple guests from booking the same dates.

Sync your calendar with an external platform

To sync the dates from your site to an external platform (for example Airbnb or you need the link to the calendar of each accommodation. You can find this link in the Popeye backend by clicking on 'bookings' on your sidebar and then clicking 'sync calendars'.
You must then fill in this link per accommodation at airbnb.

Follow these steps to add a link from an external calendar to an accommodation at Airbnb:


  1. Go to Calendar and select the appropriate advertising calendar.
  2. Go to the panel on the right or click Settings for your rates and availability settings.
  3. Click Availability > Sync calendar.
  4. Click Import Calendar.
  5. Copy the URL of your external calendar (e.g. VRBO) into the calendar address field. Make sure your external calendar address URL (iCal links) ends with .ICS
  6. Name the calendar you want to import.
  7. Click Import Calendar.

To refresh your imported calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Calendar and choose the appropriate advertising calendar.
  2. Go to the panel on the right or click Settings for your rates and availability settings.
  3. Go to Availability > Sync calendar.
  4. Click Import Calendar.
  5. Choose your imported calendar (e.g. VRBO).
  6. Click Refresh Calendar.

To synchronize the dates of your site with the bookings on airbnb you need to add the airbnb calendar to the accommodation. You can do this by clicking on 'bookings' via the Popeye backend sidebar, going to 'sync calendars' and clicking on 'edit'. Here you can add the link of an external calendar via 'add calendar'.
Follow these steps to export a calendar and request the link from airbnb:

  1. Go to Calendar and select the appropriate advertising calendar.
  2. Go to the panel on the right or click Settings for your rates and availability settings.
  3. Go to Availability > Sync calendar.
  4. Click Export Calendar.
  5. Copy the link in the Export Calendar window and paste it into your other iCal calendar.
  6. Close the Export Calendar window.