The invoice plugin has different settings and options. Below are the settings explained that will let you use the plugin to its full potential.
Invoices & credit notes - InvoicesHere you will find a list of all the invoices generated.Invoices & credit notes - Credit NotesHere you will find a list of all the credit notes generated.
General options - invoice options
Invoices creation : Automatically (create the invoices for all orders made in your store)
Date of invoice creation : Date when order changes to completed status
Date to show in the invoice : Date the order is completed
Invoice numbers : Start sequential numbering from a specific number
Start invoice numbers form : Enter the number for the next invoice (if empty, the first invoice will be with the number "1").
Sequential numbering will start from this number.
Reset on January 1st
Avoid duplicate invoices
Viewing generated documents : Download files as PDF
General options - credit notes options
Enable credit notes for refunded orders
Credit notes sequential numbers start form : Enter the number for the next credit note (if empty, the first credit note will be with the number "1").
Sequential numbering will start from this number.
Rest on January 1st
General options - packing slip options and checkout options
Enable packing slip : Check this option to enable packing slip management for products that will be shipped.
Packing slip generation : Manually - Create the packing slip only for the specific orders you select
Add VAT field on Checkout page
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Documents format
Documents format
Date format for all documents : d/m/Y
Invoice number format : [year][prefix]/[number]/[suffix] !(this setting to add the year is important to avoid confusion)!
Invoice file name format : Invoice_ [year]_[number]
Credit note number format : [year][prefix]/[number]/[suffix]
Credit note file name format : Credit_Note_ [year]_[number]
Pro-forma invoice file name format : Pro_Forma_[year]_[order_number]
Packing slip file name format : Packing_Slip_[year]_[order_number] [year]
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PDF Templates - SettingsYou can choose between the default template or a custom template. When choosing a custom template you can add your logo and choose between colors in line with your shop. This is often more professional and clearer.Choose for Templates. For each invoice you can choose a different template and customize it with your logo.
How to generate invoices again (in bulk)
You can re-generate all the invoices if the order is not right or if you have changed the document format. Generating the invoices all over again creates a new view of the numbering.To help you quickly and efficiently generate invoices with the new correct number, you can click regenerate for each invoice as shown in screenshot below.For a single order invoice:WooCommerce - order - single order - invoice regenerate
You can also highlight them in the overview and click regenerate at the bottom. This way you don't have to open each order separately but generate them in bulk.WooCommerce - order - regenerate invoices
Now that you have the new invoices you can download them to send to your accountant. In the dashboard - go to Invoices - download all