Step 02: MenubarAfter you logged in, the next screen will appear. At the top of the page you'll see a white menubar with four features who are explained below Top menubar backendVisit site or store: to view the website in frontendHomepage settings: to change coming soon pageTheme options: make logo adjustments, add colors...WP Rocket: clear your cache to see the latest changes and prevent your browser from showing old code Top menubar frontendTop left "name of site": click to go to the backendEdit page: start editing this page, in the backend (row structure)Edit frontend: to edit this page, but in the frontend (it's also a way to edit your page, but with more visibility)WP Rocket: same as in the backend menu Sidebar menuIf you want to know more about the sidebar features head back to the knowledge base and scroll to the section 'sidebar features explained'.Dashboard: to navigate quicklyPosts: mostly used for blogpostsPortfolio: used for portfoliosContent blocks: depending on your site, but mostly not relevant for youMedia: find all your media files here. You can add, edit or delete images easilyPages: overview of all the pages that are in your siteWoocommerce: all about your shop systemAnalytics: information based on orders and everything else about your shops' analyticsMarketingProducts: overview of all the products that are in your site