Step 18: Snazzy maps

Build a map

Go to, create an account or login to proceed. Click 'build a map'. Choose the style of your map (colourwise)

Size & Location

Choose the size of your map that will be displayed on your website. Set the width and height, you can see the preview on the right side of the screen. Set your location by longitude and latitude. If you go to Google Maps and right click on the map you'll see the coordinations appear. Don't forget to click 'apply changes'.

Markers and pinpoint locations

If you want to add a pinpoint to your map, click 'add marker'. Give this pin a name, coordinations and choose a pin symbol. Don't forget to click 'apply changes'.

Pinpoint pop up message

Click the green "message" icon by all your markers. Enable the pop up message and type your message or info and choose a font you'd like.

Save your changes!

To finalize your changes click the save button, don't forget! Or all changes won't be saved.