Before launching you can test the workflow of your webshop by generating a test order
1. Go to Woocommerce settings (left menu bar) and click the tab 'Mollie settings'
2. Scroll down until you see the Live API key. If. you're website is live there will already be a live key, but you must enable the test mode to make a test order! If you haven't got an live API key, no problem you can find it in your Mollie account, but you need a test API key to enable the test mode.
3. Enable the test mode by clicking the radio button. If the API key is already filled in, click 'save changes'. Otherwise you'll have to find the test API key first in Mollie and then you can paste it here.
4. Now you can visit your website and buy something as if you are a customer. At the end of your customer journey when you click "proceed to checkout" you can set the status to 'paid', 'pending' or 'cancelled' depends on what e-mail and orders status you want to test. Goodluck! 💪🏽