Create an account on Weglot and select the amount of languages you want to translate. Next choose a subscription plan. Follow the steps until you see the API KEY it looks like this:
Now copy this API KEY and paste it into your website. Go to Weglot > plugin settings > and paste the API Key in there.
Once logged in you click translations. Now you can see how many translations you have. In this case the site has 1 translation, to French.
Click 'translations' - visual editor, then click the blue button 'start editing'
You are now in the visual editor of Weglot and you should see your website. We are now in the Dutch version of the site, if you want to see the French version of the site you should change the language. You can do this by clicking 'FR' (which is circled in pink!)
We're in the French translation now. Let's say you don't want the title 'reads' to be translated to 'lectures' we can edit it now by clicking the pen icon. Just type any word for the 'reads' title, you want to see when in the French translation. Hover on any other element (texts, buttons..) if you want to change the translation of elements. Don't forget to click the 'ok' button to save your modifications.