Popeye Waitlist

Getting started

Once the waiting plugin is installed you can find an "add to Waitlist" button on all out of stock products in your shop.
It is possible to remove the product from your waitlist by selecting "remove from waitlist".
When shopping as a guest, a pop-up appears asking to enter an email address.

Wishlist overview

You can find an overview of all lists on Popeye Lists > waitlists. You can manage them or look at the products in the lists by clicking 'edit'.

Wishlist popular

In Popeye Lists > popular you find a general overview of the items that customers have put on the waitlist, sorted from most popular to least popular. This gives a clear indication of which item is in high demand.

Email marketing

Go to Popeye Lists > settings > click the tab e-mails. You are able to change the e-mail customers receive. You can set an e-mail for:
  • Waitlist confirmation: This personal email is sent to the customer when an item is added to their Waitlist. The e-mail contains the list of the products that have been added to the Waitlist
  • Waitlist admin notification: This email is sent to the Admin when an item is added to a Waitlist.
  • Waitlist promo or sale : This email is sent to users to inform them about a promotion on a product in their Waitlist. You can send them a personal e-mail to encourage buying that product. F.e.: "Some products of your Waitlist are on sale! We only have limited stock, so don't wait any longer, and take this chance to make them yours!"
  • Waitlist back in stock: This email is sent to customers when some items of their Waitlist is back in stock.