Popeye Wishlist

Getting started

When your wishlist plugin is installed, an 'add to wishlist' button automatically appears next to all products in your shop.

Wishlist overview

All settings related to your wishlist can be found under Popeye Lists, then choose 'settings'.

Wishlist settings

All settings related to your wishlist can be found under Popeye Lists, then choose 'settings'.

  • Empty wishlist page. Choose the page your customers see when they click on the wishlist icon, but their list is empty.
  • Wishlist content block. This content block shows an overview of the products customers have added to their list.
  • Enable wishlist for anonymous users. Select this option if customers without an account can also make a wishlist.
  • Page to redirect anonymous users. If customers can only make a wishlist with an account, you can automatically redirect them to a page with more information about the account. Or you can send them straight to the account page.

Wishlist account required or not?

If your shop has a wishlist plugin, you can choose whether customers should log in or register for it. If anonymous visitors can also create a wishlist, select 'yes'.

Email marketing

For wishlists, you can also use email marketing. Go to Popeye Lists, click on 'settings' and then on 'emails'.


You can set up emails when a sale or promo is announced, for example. If customers have discounted products in their wishlist, you can notify them personally. And encourage them to buy the product. Also when products in customers' wishlists are back in stock, you can remind them with an email.


  • Sale or Promo: if there are promo/discounted products that people have in their wishlist, you can send them a personal e-mail to encourage buying that product. F.e.: "Hey did you remember you loved this product? Well, it's on sale right now! Be quick and don't miss this chance!"
  • Back in stock: if products that are in wishlists, but they're back in stock you can remind the customers through an e-mail.